With God, All Things are Possible.
What is a Practitioner?
A practitioner is a person of high spiritual consciousness and deep understanding who is trained in the art, science, and the skill of Spiritual Mind Treatment.
When you call on a practitioner, know that you are in contact with someone who has devoted time and effort to learn how to offer an effective affirmative prayer for others. A practitioner also knows how to offer you compassionate support and a new perspective on the challenges of life.
A practitioner is licensed to practice professionally, is bound by a high code of ethics to respect your confidence, and is dedicated to the cause of helping others.
Keep in mind that a practitioner, as well as being an invaluable resource when there is a need for healing, can assist you in expanding your possibilities and can help you unfold to wonderful, new life experiences that are joyous, abundant, and filled with creativity!
Practitioner Fees
The work of a practitioner is a licensed, professional service, and you are paying for the time shared with that practitioner.
Contact your practitioner or your center for additional information.
What is Spiritual Mind Treatment?
When we treat, we do not wish, we know. We do not dream, we state. We do not hope, we accept. We do not pray, we announce.
When I Call a Practitioner, What Can I Expect?
Scientific Mind treatment is affirmative prayer. It is a realization that there is only one Power and one Presence, and that we are one with it. Treatment is an affirmation in the first person that all is well. We turn away from conditions and circumstances and realize the peace, poise, power, plenty, health, happiness and success that is ours.
Treatment is not willing things to happen, but opens up the avenues of thought, expands consciousness, and lets Reality through; it removes doubt and fear and lets in the Light of well-being.
The practitioner will ask to set a date and time to meet. The average interview will last approximately 30 to 60 minutes. The practitioner will listen to your description of the conditions you are experiencing, and through inquiry, will work to find the cause of these conditions. The cause will always be a belief or attitude-
ministered by the Law of Correspondence-that is creating your current experience. The practitioner will then assist you in revealing a higher truth about yourself, and through the use of Spiritual Mind Treatment, will help you to set in motion the changes that you desire.
If you want to learn to do Spiritual Mind Treatment yourself, contact the Center for Spiritual Living, Antelope Valley to find out about classes designed to teach you how to direct the power of affirmative prayer for yourself in creative, specific and life-changing ways.
The Five Steps Of Treatment
RECOGNITION: Acknowledging that God is all there is.
UNIFICATION: Affirmation that we are one with all that God is.
REALIZATION: Stating our realization of perfection.
GRATITUDE: Giving thanks that the work is already done in Mind.
RELEASE: Letting go and letting the Law accomplish what we have stated as truth.
We Empower and Celebrate the Divinity in All